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Paths to Broadband Systems Modernization - Part 1

Paths to Broadband Systems Modernization - Part 1


Not everyone is in the same place

Every broadband organization is in a different place regarding its application systems and future growth strategy.  While overly stereotypical, we find that broadband organizations are in one of two groups.  The first group includes brand-new greenfield organizations that are in hyper-growth mode.  The second group contains established organizations that are tired of the limitations of legacy systems or have grown large and complicated through acquisitions over the decades.  Both types of organizations must choose the best system architecture for them, which typically boils down to two application architecture choices:  all-in-one or best-of-breed.

Greenfield organizations have quite an advantage regarding application systems.   They are moving ahead without the constraints of legacy broadband applications holding them back and are building to compete!  Typically, these organizations aim to grow as fast as possible.  They are often well-funded and bring in industry veterans and talent from outside the industry to build a modern broadband business that scales efficiently.  Their primary challenge is with the clock.  They are racing more prominent and established competitors to get as much fiber in the ground as possible.

Then there are the established organizations that still have the appetite for extensive growth.  Many of these face the vast challenges of ingrained legacy systems and are attempting to modernize.  These transformation projects are demanding and precarious.  They must free themselves from constraints; their only option is an extraordinary change because what was sufficient last decade is unacceptable.

Stay tuned for future blog posts as we discuss and compare in detail, all-in-one and best-of-breed architectures.

Paths to Broadband Systems Modernization - Part 2 - Greenfield

Paths to Broadband Systems Modernization - Part 2 - Greenfield

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Paths to Broadband Systems Modernization - Part 3 - Established Organizations

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